Member Duties
All Members - Student Council
- Responsible for special projects
- Vote on Club leaders
- Work on/vote on projects may include school spirit, dances, fundraising, awards, tortoise habitat, school recycling program, etc.
- Conducts him/herself with academic integrity and exemplary conduct at all times.
Student Council Representatives (Grades 3-8)
- Attend meetings and report back to classrooms.
- Report class feedback to the council.
Officer Positions (6th-8th Grade Only)
- Lead all meetings
- Give assistance, guidance, and praise to younger members and peers
- Act as a facilitator during the discussions
- Maintain frequent contact with faculty and administration
- Work with the advisors on all planning
- Participate in student council sponsored activities/events
- Lead: Assemblies
Vice President:
- Work closely with the President
- Assume the President’s duties when needed
- Work with the President and Treasurer in preparing the calendar and budget
- Assist the President with preparing meeting agendas
- Participate in student council sponsored activities/events
- Lead: Dances
- Oversee council expenses and revenues
- Maintain an accurate and detailed financial record
- Give monetary advice to the council
- Authorize payment/deposits
- Work with the President and Vice President in preparing calendar and budget
- Participate in student council sponsored activities/events
- Lead: Fund Raisers
Public Relations Director:
- Keep the student body informed of events, fundraisers, and service projects
- Obtain approval for events
- Responsible for gathering student feedback outside of the Council
- Help maintain student council website
- Participate in student council sponsored activities/events
- Lead: Spirit Week
- Keep an account of minutes at every meeting
- Keep an accurate account of attendance at every meeting
- Help maintain student council files
- Report to Announcement Team on events and meeting information
- Responsible for “Thank You cards
- Participate in student council sponsored activities/events
- Lead: Website Communication
Advisors (Teachers)
- Oversees meetings and activities.
- Instructs students on holding elections and running for office.
- Helps student leaders establish goals, plan a calendar, and form a budget.