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Canyon Springs STEM Academy

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Canyon Springs STEM Academy
Home of the Wolves!

Health Center General Information

Keep Us Up to Date        
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update sign
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During the 1st month of school, you will be receiving an email with a link to update your student's demographic information .  Please list all contact numbers including the names and numbers of those persons we can call if we are unable to contact you.  Take this opportunity to update any of your child's medical conditions and medications they are taking. 
medicine liquid bottle
pill bottle
** NEW this year - 2019.  All medications prescribed by a Doctor now require a Doctor's note to accompany the medication in a pharmacy labled container/box.  If your child needs to take medication during the school day, complete a medication consent form (available in my office) and provide the medication in the original container.
Do not
send the medication with your child to school!  
No medications are allowed on campus with the exception of epi-pens and inhalers. If your child needs to keep an epi-pen and/or inhaler with them, there is a separate form to complete.  I always recommend that all medications are kept in the Health Office so they are always accessible during an emergency.  The last thing we want to have to do is search the campus looking for a backpack, checking lockers, desks etc. when you really need one of these two medications.
Medications are not stored in the Health Office over the summer break.  Any medications not picked up within 2 days after school is dismissed for the summer will be discarded.

Physical Education Excuses   
pic kids playing sports

Students requesting to be excused from PE must bring a note signed by their parent to the Nurse.  The Nurse will then write an "excused from PE" pass for the student to take to PE.  
Any request for three or more consecutive PE excuses must be accompanied by a Physician's written order.   PE teachers will be informed of the length of excuse, and any accommodations that need to be made for your child.  If your child has a health condition that causes him/her to miss PE class frequently, a doctor's note may be requested.
Hearing and Vision
Hearing and Vision Screenings will be done annually for the following student groups:  Pre-School, Kindergarten, 1st Grade, 3rd Grade, 5th Grade, 7th Grade, all new students registering who have not been previously enrolled within Deer Valley Unified School District and and all students with and IEP in place.