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Canyon Springs STEM Academy

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Canyon Springs STEM Academy
Home of the Wolves!

Health Links

Poison, Bites, Stings, Drugs  
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Banner Health's PoisonCenter Hotline at 1-800-222-1222 for free, fast expert help 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Urgent Care vs. the ER?  Phoenix Children's Hospital can help answer that question.
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It's Officially Flu Season 
Deer Valley School Dist. Info letter on Ebola & Enterovirus 68  
Communicable Disease

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pic asthma boy

A child with asthma has rights under the law.  HB 2229 (Asthma Rescue Medication Bill) was signed on 4/11/05 and "allows for the possession and self-administration of prescription medication for breathing disorders by the pupil who has prescribed the medication by a licensed health care professional if the name is on the handheld inhaler device . . ."  Yearly written permission from the parent is required (available thru the nurse's office).  website.
The National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, thru the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, has a great informational video on asthma and how to control it.

Anaphylaxis & Allergic Reactions    
pic no nuts sign
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A child with food or other potentially severe allergies has similar rights. SB 1309 was signed 5/11/05 and allows pupils who have been diagnosed with anaphylaxis, by a specified licensed health care provider, to carry and self-administer emergency medications, including auto-injectable epinephrine, while at school and school-sponsored activities . . ." Yearly written permission from the parent is required (available thru the nurse's office).

Canyon Springs has over 60 students with food allergies. You can find these children in every grade and in every classroom on our campus. For this reason our campus classrooms are all nut free and outside food for individual parties and celebrations (i.e. birthdays) is not allowed.  Parents who prepare a lunch at home and send it to school with their child can "pack" whatever you choose, but packed lunches will only be eaten in the dining hall.   Our school prepared lunches are nut free and we provide a "nut free" table in our dining area where parents may elect to have their children eat if they choose.
Free & Reduced School Lunch Program 
pic school kunch
Understanding Child

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Today, we know concussions can have serious consequences. Especially if a person has more than one or repeated head injuries.  A person who is experiencing a concussion does not always recognize that they've had an injury.  So it's important we know what to look for and when to seek a medical evaluation. Here are two links to national recognized medical facilities in AZ that deal specifically with head trauma. 

Computer Safety   Protecting Our Children When They are Online

Car Seat Safety
New Law Mandates
Booster Seats for Children
What car seat is best?

Bicycle Safety   
pic boy on a bike
pic kids on bikes

Teens living with a chronic illness