What You Need To Register Your Child
Arizona State Law requires that to register and attend a public school, written proof of compliance with the State's required immunizations or a completed waiver form are to be on file at the school of attendance.
(waiver forms are available upon request from the front office staff or the nurse).
**NEW for 2019**
No matter what Grade your student is in, once they turn 11 years old, the State of Arizona is requiring students to get their Tdap and Meningitis Immunizations.
If you are unsure of the requirements for immunizations, see your doctor, visit the school health center, or call the Maricopa County Health Dept. at 602-506-6767, OR 602-263-8856 for locations of clinics and hours of operation.
The Links below outline Arizona's Immunization Requirements:
For Childcare, Preschool and Kindergarten in 2014-2015:
For Kindergarten to 12th grade in 2014-2015:
Maricopa's Free Immunization Clinic Location nearest to Canyon Springs is at
West Clinic
1850 N. 95th Ave, Suite 184
Phoenix, AZ 85037
Open M-F 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Closed for lunch from 12 p.m. - 1 p.m.
( Closed every 4th Wednesday morning of the month to open at 1 p.m.)
Visit these other websites for more options and information to get immunizations. (Walgreens Take Care Clinics)