Over the past few years, we have been proud to be recognized for the following:
"A" rating from the Arizona Department of Education
- 4 years in a row!
2019 Maricopa County Exemplary Principal
- Mrs. Tricia Graham
2019 National Distinguished Principal Finalist
- Mrs. Tricia Graham
2019 DVUSD Teacher of the Year
- Mrs. Tracy Reese
2019 Anthem Rotary Teacher of the Year
- Mrs. Jaime Hansen
2019 DVUSD Rookie of the Year Finalist
- Mrs. Tiffani Touvell (Morrison)
2018/19 Fiesta Bowl Wishes for Teachers Recipients
- Mrs. Naomi Arnold and Mr. Christopher Madison
2018/19 APS Grant Recipients
- Mr. Chad Kaufmann, Mrs. Lori Bohlman, Mrs. Miranda Tinney, Mrs. Melissa Snowden, Mrs. Christina Cimino, Mrs. Rose Harvey, Mrs. Tarin Willett, Mrs. Angela Toms, Mrs. Sheila Fields, and Mrs. Jennifer Dillon
2019 DVEF Grant Recipients
- Mrs. Lori Bohlman, Mr. Chad Kaufmann, Mrs. Jaime Hansen, and Mrs. Sheila Fields
2018 DVUSD Teacher of the Year
- Mrs. Laurie Warner
2018 - 2023 AdvancED Certified STEM School
(One of only 9 schools in Arizona and less than 140 in the United States!)
2017 DVUSD Principal of the Year
- Mrs. Tricia Graham
2016 - 2019 A+ School of Excellence™ from the AZ Educational Foundation
2016 National Distinguished Principal Finalist
- Mrs. Tricia Graham
2015 DVUSD Teacher of the Year
- Ms. Gieber
Named 2014 3TV Cool School
CS Choir Wins "Excellent" rating at 2015 regional festival
Named APS / NAU STEM Focus School for the Future
(One of only 12 schools!)
2014 Partner in the Arizona Mathematics Partnership
(Partnership with Scottsdale Community College & National Science Foundation)
2014 Silver Apple Teacher Award
- Ms. Shirk
2014 Arizona Gifted Teacher of the Year
- Mr. Laningham
2014 PVWH 7/8 Grade Male Athlete of the Year
- Ryan Norcia
2013-2014 Girls Softball - 2nd Place Winners Division 1
Multiple DVUSD Coach of the Year Awards
Multiple Student Victory with Honor Awards
(Middle School Sports Program)
Pizza Hut Book it! Award
We were one of the top 100 schools! - Congratulations Ms. Stephen's Class
Multiple Donors Choose Classroom Grants
(books & iPads)
Multiple Pets in the Classroom Grants
Red Carpet Service Award for our front office
2013 Arizona Community Tree Council Grant
2013 Donors Choose Challenge - Encyclopedia Britannica Science eBooks
Arizona Kitchen Excellence Award for our Cafeteria
Over 14 Gold Awards from the State Health Department