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Canyon Springs STEM Academy

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Canyon Springs STEM Academy
Home of the Wolves!

Class Expectations

Students at Canyon Springs follow WOLVES expectations.

Our school focus is WOLVES! All students are expected to demonstrate WOLVES Expectations in all areas on campus. 

RESPECT all individuals, materials, classrooms, school and playground equipment

We are independent - always think before you ask for help - Can I figure this out?  What do I need in order to solve my problem? 

How can I problem solve and help others do the same? 

WOLVES stands for:

  1. We Work Together: We do not cause problems for ourselves or others.

  2. We See Opportunities for Growth: We always do our best, follow directions from adults, and show compassion for others.

  3. We Lead With Integrity: We take ownership of our actions.

  4. We Value Others: We care for others, care for our school campus and community, and we value the learning of not only ourselves, but those around us.

  5. We Engage in Learning: We are prepared and ready to learn in all situations.

  6. We are Safe: We are aware of others and we notify an adult when there is an unsafe situation.