Canyon Springs Preschool
Canyon Springs Preschool
We are helpful and kind and we play to learn!
Canyon Springs preschool provides a safe, caring and developmentally appropriate environment in which children can develop necessary life-long skills. We are a developmental preschool program; some students have been identified as having special needs and receive a variety of services within the classroom. Other students are tuition paying peer role models. All preschool students work, play and learn together throughout the preschool day.
Our day is full of singing, dancing, creating, building, talking, sharing, caring, running, playing and learning!! We work towards the Arizona Early Childhood State Standards through centers, in large groups, small groups and one on one with highly qualified and dedicated staff. Each day we enjoy a snack, outside time and make a choice time where students can choose from a variety of developmentally appropriate centers which change periodically based on the theme. Blocks, puzzles, dramatic play, writing, art, games, STEM and books are some of the centers that are open daily.
The Canyon Springs Preschool staff consists of an early childhood special education teacher and two paraprofessionals. The preschool classroom is consistently visited by a speech and language pathologist and occupational therapist as well as a physical therapist. We work closely together to provide an enriching and nurturing preschool environment for all preschool students.