What is Developmental Preschool?
What is Developmental Preschool??
Developmental Preschool runs just like any other preschool you may have seen. We do all the fun things preschoolers need to do to learn and grow. WE PLAY! :)
We have center time where students can choose between building with blocks, pretending in the "house" or "kitchen" and dressing up, learning new things through new experiences, reading books, putting puzzles together, practicing writing, creating works of art with play-doh, paint, crayons and a variety of other materials, we eat snacks, have outside time, take a weekly trip to the school library and we have circle time where we learn through song and dance. Throughout the year our theme will change every month or so; we change the centers, songs and books to correlate with the theme.
In our classroom we have some students who may need a little extra support in some areas so we have professionals to come in regularly to provide support for those students as well as provide input to the preschool staff. Support may be necessary due to speech and/or language development, delays in academic/cognitive skills, hearing or vision loss, social/emotional or behavioral delays or physical development.
We also have students who are considered peer models, who are considered to be age appropriate in all areas. There is a $175 monthly tuition fee for our peer models. We have up to 5 peer models in each session.
The preschool program runs Monday-Thursday. We have a morning session 8:45-11:15 and an afternoon session from 12:15-2:45. We do not have preschool on Fridays. On Fridays we are typically attending meetings, continuing to grow through professional development, meeting with preschool families, assisting with preschool screenings and preparing for the following week. We follow the district calendar as far as holidays, summer, conferences, etc.
What do I do if I have concerns about how my preschooler is developing??
If you have concerns with how your child is developing in any area (you or others have a hard time understanding your child, you do not feel that your child is learning at a rate you would expect a child at his/her age to learn, you notice your child has a difficult time with other children or following rules, etc) you are invited to call our early childhood office. You can let them know what your concerns are and they can assist you with determining if a child find screening is necessary.
Screenings occur on Fridays throughout the year. At a screening you can expect your preschooler to be invited to play with a room full of toys, preschool teachers, speech therapists, psychologists, occupational therapists, physical therapists and more. Your child’s vision and hearing will also be tested at the screening. Throughout the screening therapists and teachers will interact with your preschooler, talk with the family and observe your child playing, moving and communicating. It will be determined if there may be a need to continue with formal testing to determine if there is a need for specialized support for your preschooler.
Please contact the Early Childhood Office at 602-467-6013 if you have any concerns with how your child is developing.
What is a peer role model??
Peer role models are preschool students who work, play and learn within the developmental preschool program who have not been identified as having delays in any area. These students pay a monthly tuition of $175. There are 5 typical peers in each preschool session and there is typically a waiting list. If you are interested in your child being a typical peer role model in the Canyon Springs Developmental Preschool Program please contact Robyn Harper at 623-376-5277. There is a non refundable $25 fee along with an Interest Form to be filled out in order to be put on the waiting list.
Link to DVUSD Early Childhood Website
Click on the link to find additional information about preschool programs offered through Deer Valley Unified School DIstrict.
Link to DVUSD Early Childhood Website
Click on the link to find additional information about preschool programs offered through Deer Valley Unified School DIstrict.
Link to DVUSD Early Childhood Website
Click on the link to find additional information about preschool programs offered through Deer Valley Unified School DIstrict.