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Canyon Springs STEM Academy

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Canyon Springs STEM Academy
Home of the Wolves!

Meet Ms. Hermit

Dear Families,

      I want to welcome you and your child to 4th Grade Math! I am so excited to be your child's math teacher this year.  

      I would like to introduce myself. I graduated Summa Cum Laude in 2005 from ASU West with a Bachelor of Arts in Education. I also have an Early Childhood Endorsement, Reading Endorsement, and Gifted Endorsement. I taught in the Washington Elementary School District for seven years. I have taught kindergarten, first, second, and third grade. This year will be my first year teaching 4th grade math and my tenth year in the Deer Valley Unified School District.

      I am a mother of 4 wonderful children. My oldest son graduated Canyon Springs in 2020 and will now be a senior at Boulder Creek High School. I also have a son who graduated Canyon Springs last school year and will now be a freshman at Boulder Creek High School. This is their tenth year in the Deer Valley Unified School District. They have enjoyed learning at Canyon Springs and have loved all their teachers! I also have a daughter who will be in 1st grade and a son who will be in pre-school at Canyon Springs this year.
      My goal as a teacher will be to provide a classroom rich in resources with engaging activities that not only support student growth but also a love of learning. I also know that parent support makes another impact too. I will always make myself available whether by phone, e-mail, notes, or in person. 
       Thank you in advance for your support and cooperation. We are going to have a great year!
Ms. Hermit